Located in the southern hemisphere, this smallest continent of the world is one of the leading global destinations that stimulate travelers from all the corners with its majestic charm and allure. Regardless of its division into six states, two major mainland territories and other minor territories, the magnificence of Australia and its features has not shown any single faded sign or color. The dramatic landscapes, sun kissed beaches, relaxed outdoor lifestyle, exotic coral reefs, tropical rain forests and bush lands are attractive features that define the natural beauty of this Asia Pacific country.

Destinations in Australia
Similar to many world famous countries, Australia also boasts many fantastic tourist destinations. Located in the Australian Capital Territory, the official capital city of this country is Canberra but for most of the travelers it is Sydney, the heartthrob, which wins their hearts and dreams. Considered as one of the world’s most highly urbanized countries, the destinations of Australia are also known for the contemporary outlook besides of their natural charm. Whether it is Melbourne, Hobart, Perth, Gold Coast, or the outback town of Alice Springs, every destination has its own color and reflects the never ending spirit linked with the country very well.

Explore & Experience
When it comes to explore and experience, Australia portrays contrary to its size with gallon of charm. Whether it is shopping, dining or nightlife, there are so many things to do in Australia. No one can forget to experience the adrenaline pumping adventure activities that excite most of the travelers visiting the country. Each destination of this continental beauty offers distinctive and unique things to explore and experience. Despite of its urbanized look, Australia is also the home of number of UNESCO Heritage Sites that are worth to visit. Some of them are Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu National Park, Lord Howe Island, Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Tasmanian Wilderness, Uluru-Kata National Park, Blue Mountains, and Shark Bay.

Accommodation in Australia
This Asia Pacific country also emerges as a true winner when it comes to world hospitality sector. Setting a perfect picture of the country in front of other developed countries, the hotels in Australia are not less than any other in any aspect. Whether it is business hotel or luxurious accommodation, the quality and standard of Australia hotels took the country to new heights each time. From Sydney to Sunshine Coast to Alice Springs to Fraser Island, each destination of the country, big or small, contributes its role very well and provide quality of accommodation facilities suitable to all budgets.

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