Sydney, the capital city of the New South Wales, makes for a fantastic place of visit. Its golden beaches, beach activities, water sports activities, fine dining and wining options and excellent shopping opportunities draws in large number of tourists all through the year. Sydney offers a host of accommodation options that are perfectly suited to your taste and needs. It is best to visit Sydney during the summer, which starts from December and ends in February. The Sydney hotels are spread all over the city for your convenience.The accommodation options offered by Sydney comprise luxury hotels, four star hotels, mid-range hotels and budget hotels and lodge. You can also opt for guesthouses and apartments as well. You can opt for an accommodation property that would suit your requirement as well as your budget.The noted luxury hotels in Sydney are Four Seasons Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel, Radison Plaza Hotel and Medina Grand Hotel. The top class Sydney hotels offer first class services and every modern facility to offer you a luxurious stay. The business delegates are offered latest business facilities and modern technologies for smooth running of the office work. The recreational facilities allow you to relax and unwind in the best manner. The on-site restaurants offer tasty cuisines of the world. These five star hotels offer facilities for the disabled as well.

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